
A simple yet versatile and efficient static site generator

Simplicity and flexibility

Sakin is a static site generator ideal for small and medium blogs, portfolios and project pages. Its simplistic nature is the reason for its efficiency.

Sakin is flexible because it doesn't constrain you in how you write your content. The deployment is entirely up to you. One settings file and a simple directory structure is all you need!

Quick start

Install sakin using npm install -g sakin.

The following command creates a sakin website in the current directory:

sakin --init

Create an article in contents/articles:

sakin --article "A beautiful holiday in Italy"

Create a page in contents/pages:

sakin --page "About me"

Generate the website:

sakin --generate

Preview the website with content detection:

sakin --serve 8080

Publish the website according to what you specified in settings.json:

sakin --publish


You are more than welcome to raise issues and send PRs! Just follow the guidelines described in the .eslintrc file.